Born and died August 15, 1951 in Springfield, Missouri. 

There has always been a curiosity about how Mom came up with the name Mary Joseph for a boy.  The following is the best recollection any of us can recall from talking with Mom about it.

John’s recollection: I asked mom one time why they named him with a name like that.  I don't remember exactly enough what her answer was, so I can't quote it, but this is the best I can remember. Her response was something like, he wasn't going to have to live with a girl's first name and that "Mary & Joseph" represents the family of God and it seemed appropriate.  I know Catherine and Sister Beata were important to her, but remember that Grandma Smith was very much alive at that time (only 60 yrs old), Grandpa Smith had only died 2 years earlier, Mom adored Grandma and she also may have influenced the name.  I believe Mom modeled her life after her mother and the way she influenced her family.  For lack of a better cliché, they came from the same mold.  I remember in the years I went to Catholic school at St. Joseph's, we always put the initials "JMJ" in the corner of all the papers we had to turn it, Jesus, Mary, & Joseph (JMJ). 

I remember Mom going to the hospital that day, which at my age of 7 wasn't that big a deal, but we were looking forward to seeing the new baby after it was born (didn't know gender beforehand in those days).  However, later in the evening, Mom's brothers and sisters, Grandma, and Dad were all gathered together outside in the front yard between Joe's & Grandma's yards.

There were a lot of tears being shed.  They weren't too forthcoming about it all, but I kept bugging Catherine about it, eventually she told me the baby had died after it was born.  She said he was a "blue baby" which meant nothing to me.  She said his head was swollen to a very large size, filled with fluid around the brain. 

Betty’s recollection:  I remember asking Mom the same question .. I know that Mom had told me that the nuns that tended the baby knew that he was not going to make it very long (Mom said he lived an hour)...but, I do know that the nuns baptized him and christened his name Mary Joseph before he died, whether that was something they named him and Mom and Dad approved of it before or after the baptism is a mystery now.  To me, it sounds like the nuns named him, but however his name happened, it was inspired by Our Lord, His Mother and earthly father.  He is an angel that has watched over us all....I'm sure Mom and Dad were greeted by Mary Joseph when they reached their place in eternity.  

Paul & Don’s recollection: I remember being told the reason he was named Mary Joseph was because he was born on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Bill’s potential theory:  When Mary Joseph was born; Mom was a young mother with little ones at her feet. Her mentors and confidantes were her 2 sisters, both who were very religious. I was reading through some Catholic material on the internet when this caught my eye. Josemaria is essentially Mary Joseph in reverse. There is a saint name St. Josemaria Escriva who is founder of Opus Dei. I wonder if Sister Beata or Catherine turned her on to this name when she lost Mary Joseph. If I remember correctly there was a little booklet that Mom used to read called 'The Way' published by St. Josemaria.  It has always been a mystery to me why she name a boy Mary   Joseph. Here is a link to someone who was inspired by St Josemaria. :

This may be a stretch, but something to think about. Mary Joseph was born/died in 1951 and St Josemaria died in 1957.  While his activities may have been known by Catholics in 1951, he wasn’t canonized a saint until 2002.  If they (Mom & others) knew of him, that could have influenced their decision as well.